If you need to show your file extensions in Windows 10 you need to:
1. Open Explorer and press Options from View Tab
If you need to show your file extensions in Windows 10 you need to:
1. Open Explorer and press Options from View Tab
If you need to see you hidden files, folders or drives in Windows 10, you have to:
1. Open Explorer and press Options from View Tab
Well … it happens sometimes to simply installed to many additional new fonts on my Windows. Sometimes I install fonts from internet other times, some programs will ask for their own fonts. I simply have around 2000 extra fonts installed on my PC. After I installed all this fonts I start to experience a lot of problems with the way some websites and applications were showing information (strange scripts or ugly fonts). The problem was that I also replaced some of the default fonts and the only solution was to restore my windows font folder to its default form. For that I followed this steps: Read More
Microsoft just launched a big anniversary update with a lot of new features. If you already use the great Windows 10, go further with the latest updates…