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How to include Flash/SWF files intro PowerPoint presentations.

I was working the other days for a presentation about a Fluorescent Lamps… for my presentation I found this very nice Flash animation on howstuffworks that I wanted to include intro my PowerPoint Presentation (http://static.howstuffworks.com/flash/fluorescent-lamp-rapid.swf).

Therefore, I’ve downloaded the .swf file to my hard drive and started to drag and drop, insert file and so on but nothing worked as I expected. Therefore, to include a swf file in your presentation you have to: Read More

How can I open PowerPoint presentations without having Office installed

One of the most common format of electronic presentations is the .ppt (Microsoft Power Point).

As you may know .pps files can be open with Power Point software from the Microsoft Office suite. Microsoft Office is a suite of software that is not free. Therefor, if you only need to view this presentation files you have to know that Microsoft offers you a free option: Read More